Naomi has Rascal for the weekend. Rascal is the PK classroom mascot. Each weekend a student gets to take him home and show him their world. We’re asked to document our adventures with Rascal for his journal. We can draw pictures, take photos or write stories. Naomi started out the day by showing Rascal the deck.
Note that Naomi is wearing some felt markers on her belt. Those are to make drawings of Rascal’s adventures.
Rascal is making a dream in the wishing chair. If it doesn’t work, Naomi promised to use her wand. It’s magic.
Rascal wanted to push the elevator button.
Rascal needs to lie down.
Rascal and I like to read signs together.
This is our street. We’re headed on a “playground” hunt. We’ll drive around a bit and see what we can find. We vote to head south.
Wow this park is great. The Minnie Bergman Playground and Garden house off Rainier Ave. There was a garden, a good size playground and lots of unusual creatures being created out of vines.
This is a “vine” man being grown to ride on a bicycle. There is a plaque nearby that reads, “To play without passion is inexcusable.” -Beethoven Wysocki
There are rabbits.
The rabbit cage has a little ramp “passage-way” into the cab of the truck.
The truck is an extension of their home. Everything about this park is fun. It never ceases to amaze me how many marvelous things there are to discover in Seattle.
Ricky and Lucy must live here. Lucy is showing all duck but Ricky favors the chicken side of the family.
“This will cheer Naomi up.” said Simone to me. Then she brought the rabbit over to Naomi and said, “Look sweetie, we found a bunny on the loose. Let’s put him in the cage with the others.” I’m wondering how he got out.
Rascal wanted to take one more ride on the dinosaur before we headed home.
Did you know that Rascal can read Mrs Piggle Wiggle? We decided to do a little reading in the cozy minvan before heading home.